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City of Freeport Letterhead

Date: 12/30/2024

Subject: Customer/Citizen Notification Letter

Dear City of Freeport Resident:

Starting in February 2025 the City of Freeport will have each water meter in the City replaced. The new meters are equipped with advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), which allows the City to automatically and electronically read meters. These readings will be uploaded to a customer portal which will provide daily information to each customer to view from a secured website once the project is complete.

The City is working with Ameresco to replace each meter. Ameresco's teams will be properly identified in truck and uniforms with safety vest/shirts containing the logos provided below:

Residential meter replacements typically take less than 30 minutes at each location , during which the water to your home or facility will be shut off. The Ameresco team will not have to come inside your home. All commercial accounts will be scheduled individually with associated owners.

For more information on this project, please visit , email or call 979-233-4241.


Lance Petty
City Manager
City of Freeport
City of Freeport Letterhead

City of Freeport

Office of the City Manager

Date: 12/12/2024

Subject: City Manager’s Update on Arlan’s Grocery Store

Dear Residents,

We are excited to announce that Arlan's Grocery Store will officially reopen on December 18, 2024, after completing a total renovation in the wake of Hurricane Beryl. This marks a significant milestone in our community's recovery, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to welcome everyone back to this vital local business.

The renovation has made significant improvements to both the store's infrastructure and its offerings, ensuring a more convenient and enjoyable shopping experience for all. We are incredibly proud of the resilience shown by Arlan's and its staff throughout this process, and we invite all of you to support our local grocery store as it reopens its doors.

Please join us in celebrating this exciting reopening by shopping locally and continuing to support our community's businesses. Your patronage is vital to ensuring the continued success of our local economy.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Lance Petty
City Manager
City of Freeport

City of Freeport Letterhead

City of Freeport

Office of the City Manager

Date: 11/20/2024

Subject: Update on Village of Surfside Water Agreement and Outstanding Payments

Dear Community/Residents,

I am writing to provide an update regarding the ongoing water service agreement between the City of Freeport and the Village of Surfside, as well as recent developments related to the Village's failure to meet its financial obligations for water service.

As many of you are aware, the City of Freeport has been supplying water to the Village of Surfside under an established agreement. This arrangement has been in place for a few years, ensuring a steady water supply to Surfside residents. However, the Village has recently fallen behind in making timely payments for these services, resulting in significant outstanding balances.

The City Management and Mayor have consistently worked to address this issue through discussions with the Village leadership. The Village of Surfside suffered severe damage to infrastructure from Hurricane Beryl as well as the City of Freeport. We will continue to work with the Village of Surfside to bring their account in full.

At this time, the City of Freeport is exploring all available options to address this matter. The City of Freeport has issued a 90-day notice for payment, and the Mayor of Surfside has acknowledged that they fully intend to be whole at that time with the City of Freeport. We are committed to working with Surfside to find a fair and equitable resolution, but we must also ensure that the interests of Freeport taxpayers and water customers are protected.

We will continue to keep the public informed as the situation evolves. In the meantime, residents of Freeport can rest assured that the City will take all necessary steps to protect the financial integrity of our water utility.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.


Lance Petty
City Manager
City of Freeport

Thank You, Phillips 66 and the FEDC! We are incredibly grateful for Phillips 66 and the Freeport Economic Development Corporation for their generous donations to fund our community park! Your support is making a lasting impact on our community, providing a beautiful space for families and friends to gather, play, and enjoy nature.


The City of Freeport is aware of the new criteria set forth for monitoring our industrial stakeholders. The City of Freeport welcomes the additional oversight provided under the new guidelines by the EPA. We will continue to monitor the safety of our citizens through the EPA's assistance, it is important to note that the EPA regulates and enforces all violations of noncompliance with state mandated regulations as is the same case with TCEQ monitoring and enforcing rules and regulations with the public water and wastewater system across Texas.

The safety of our residents is our main priority. 


The City of Freeport will comply with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequent amendments thereto, and will not discriminate in its policies because of handicap, race, color, creed, national origin, religion, sex or age. However, it must be recognized that in certain job classifications and performance of the duties of certain positions, qualifications must be set that may direct or restrict, in certain cases, the field of applicants to those who qualify for that particular position. Also some restrictions will be placed on positions that require certain educational and experience qualifications.

It is the policy of the City of Freeport to comply with the Equal Employment Opportunity legislation and be in compliance as an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.

The Human Resources Director is the designated Civil Rights Coordinator.

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Tue, 26 Nov 2024
Holiday Trash Pickup Schedule Update Please note: There will be no trash pickup this Thursday due to Thanksgiving. (Ward A & B) Regular trash pickup w...Read more...
Wed, 20 Nov 2024
City of Freeport Office of the City Manager Date: 11/20/2024 Subject: Update on Village of Surfside Water Agreement and Outstanding Payments Dear Comm...Read more...
Wed, 20 Nov 2024
City Manager s Update on Arlan s Grocery Store Remodel and Proposed Opening Date: 11/20/2024 Dear Community/Residents, I am pleased to share with you ...Read more...
Sat, 02 Nov 2024
Boil water notice has been rescinded, there is no need to boil water at this time.Read more...
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