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The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has amended the Major Disaster Declaration for Hurricane Beryl to include Brazoria County, among others, for FEMA's Individual Asisstance Program. Residents of Brazoria County can apply for FEMA Disaster Assistance online at or by calling 1-800-621-3362. FEMA's Individual Assistance Program Funding assists with expenses such as temporary housing, emergency home repairs, uninsured and underinsured personal properly losses, disaster legal services, disaster unemployment assistance, and the medical, dental, and funeral expenses caused by the disaster.
La Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA) ha modificado la Declaración de Desastre Mayor por el Huracán Beryl para incluir al Condado de Brazoria, entre otros, para el Programa de Asistencia Individual de FEMA. Los residentes del condado de Brazoria pueden solicitar Asistencia por Desastre de FEMA en línea o llamando al 1-800-621-3362. Los fondos del Programa de Asistencia Individual de FEMA ayudan con gastos tales como vivienda temporal, reparaciones de emergencia del hogar, pérdidas personales sin seguro o con seguro insuficiente, servicios legales por desastre, asistencia por desempleo por desastre y los gastos médicos, dentales y funerarios causados por el desastre.
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*5-20-24 NEW*     City Manager Newsletter



The City of Freeport will begin construction on three (3) of the Municipal Parks on Tuesday May 28, 2024. The following parks will be receiving the improvements:

  1. Peppermint Park
  2. Arrington Park
  3. Stephen F. Austin Park

These improvements include replacement of play structures, swing sets, trash cans, shaded benches, new borders, and mulch along with new basketball goals where needed. City Staff presented these improvements to our local stakeholders in funding efforts for this project and the City received funding from Phillips 66 in the amount of $50,000.00 towards these improvements. The remaining costs will be funded by the Freeport Economic Development Corporation in the amount of $249,789.85 bringing the total park project improvements to $299,789.85.

During the construction process, you will notice that all equipment will be removed from each park, fill dirt will be installed to level off the proposed play area in preparation for the installation of the new equipment. The new equipment will be onsite in early June and installation is scheduled to begin on June 17, 2024.

Thank you again to Phillips 66 and the Freeport Economic Development Corporation for making these improvements a reality for our children.




Lance Petty

City Manager



La ciudad de Freeport comenzará la construcción de tres (3) de los parques municipales el martes 28 de mayo de 2024. Los siguientes parques recibirán las mejoras:

  1. Peppermint Park
  2. Arrington Park
  3. Stephen F. Austin Park

Estas mejoras incluyen el reemplazo de estructuras de juego, columpios, botes de basura, bancas sombreadas, nuevos bordes y mantillo junto con nuevas porterías de baloncesto donde sea necesario. El personal de la Ciudad presentó estas mejoras a nuestras partes interesadas locales en los esfuerzos de financiamiento para este proyecto y la Ciudad recibió fondos de Phillips 66 por la cantidad de $50,000.00 para estas mejoras. Los costos restantes serán financiados por la Corporación de Desarrollo Económico de Freeport por un monto de $249,789.85, lo que elevará el total de mejoras al proyecto del parque a $299,789.85.

Durante el proceso de construcción, notará que se retirará todo el equipo de cada parque, se instalará tierra de relleno para nivelar el área de juego propuesta en preparación para la instalación del nuevo equipo. El nuevo equipo estará en el sitio a principios de junio y la instalación está programada para comenzar el 17 de junio de 2024. Gracias nuevamente a Phillips 66 y a la Corporación de Desarrollo Económico de Freeport por hacer realidad estas mejoras para nuestros niños.



Lance Petty

Administrador de la ciudad


The City of Freeport is aware of the new criteria set forth for monitoring our industrial stakeholders. The City of Freeport welcomes the additional oversight provided under the new guidelines by the EPA. We will continue to monitor the safety of our citizens through the EPA's assistance, it is important to note that the EPA regulates and enforces all violations of noncompliance with state mandated regulations as is the same case with TCEQ monitoring and enforcing rules and regulations with the public water and wastewater system across Texas.

The safety of our residents is our main priority. 


The City of Freeport will comply with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequent amendments thereto, and will not discriminate in its policies because of handicap, race, color, creed, national origin, religion, sex or age. However, it must be recognized that in certain job classifications and performance of the duties of certain positions, qualifications must be set that may direct or restrict, in certain cases, the field of applicants to those who qualify for that particular position. Also some restrictions will be placed on positions that require certain educational and experience qualifications.

It is the policy of the City of Freeport to comply with the Equal Employment Opportunity legislation and be in compliance as an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.

The Human Resources Director is the designated Civil Rights Coordinator.

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City OrdinancesPublic NoticesJobsPayments

Sat, 27 Jul 2024
Click here for more information.
Tue, 23 Jul 2024
Click here for more information.
Mon, 22 Jul 2024
From now until October 5th,2024 , the City's Building Department is waiving permitting fees for homeowners making repairs due to Hurricane Beryl. Perm...Read more...
Mon, 22 Jul 2024
Click the link below for more information. iSTAT Damage Surveys ( more...
  • Garage Sale:

    2001 N Brazosport Blvd.
    3/29-3-30 , 2024

    Clothes,Toys,Shoes,Baby Toys.

  • Garage Sale:

    718 W. 8th ST
    3/26 , 2024

    Toys, Clothes, Sporting Goods, Houshould, Plants.

Wed, 04 Oct 2017
How about camping on the beach? Get away for the weekend. Bring a tent, a boat and some good food. You can have a vacation without having to drive hours and it's free!Read more...
Wed, 04 Oct 2017
How about a round of golf? Don't get stuck in the heat with no wind on other courses - come where the gulf breezes blow at Freeport Municipal Golf Course . We have an impressive course and it won't hu...Read more...
Wed, 04 Oct 2017
If you like fishing or boating , we are the only city in the Brazosport area that offers residents a protected harbor by way of our levee system. We are only minutes from the open waters of the Gulf o...Read more...
Wed, 04 Oct 2017
You can go jet skiing or water skiing down the Old Brazos River. That's something else unique just to Freeport.Read more...
Wed, 04 Oct 2017
Want to go offshore fishing ? We are lucky enough to have a huge variety of charters boats here. Bring your RV for the weekend and enjoy the fishing.Read more...
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