Holiday Trash Pickup Schedule Update
Please note: There will be no trash pickup this Thursday due to Thanksgiving. (Ward A & B)
Regular trash pickup will resume on Friday. (Ward C & D)
Thank you for your understanding and have a great holiday! 
City of Freeport
Office of the City Manager
Date: 11/20/2024
Subject: Update on Village of Surfside Water Agreement and Outstanding Payments
Dear Community/Residents,
I am writing to provide an update regarding the ongoing water service agreement between the City of Freeport and the Village of Surfside, as well as recent developments related to the Village's failure to meet its financial obligations for water service.
As many of you are aware, the City of Freeport has been supplying water to the Village of Surfside under an established agreement. This arrangement has been in place for a few years, ensuring a steady water supply to Surfside residents. However, the Village has recently fallen behind in making timely payments for these services, resulting in significant outstanding balances.
The City Management and Mayor have consistently worked to address this issue through discussions with the Village leadership. The Village of Surfside suffered severe damage to infrastructure from hurricane Beryl as well as the City of Freeport. We will continue to work with the Village of Surfside to bring their account in full.
At this time, the City of Freeport is exploring all available options to address this matter, the City of Freeport has issued a 90-day notice for payment and the Mayor of Surfside has acknowledged that they fully intend to be whole at that time with the City of Freeport. We are committed to working with Surfside to find a fair and equitable resolution, but we must also ensure that the interests of Freeport taxpayers and water customers are protected.
We will continue to keep the public informed as the situation evolves. In the meantime, residents of Freeport can rest assured that the City will take all necessary steps to protect the financial integrity of our water utility.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
Lance Petty
City Manager
City of Freeport
City Manager’s Update on Arlan’s Grocery Store Remodel and Proposed Opening
Date: 11/20/2024
Dear Community/Residents,
I am pleased to share with you the latest developments regarding the renovation of Arlan’s Grocery Store, a key part of our local retail landscape.
Remodel Progress:
As you may know, Arlan’s Grocery has been undergoing an extensive remodel aimed at improving the store’s layout, enhancing its overall shopping experience, and expanding the variety of goods and services offered to our community. The renovation includes upgrades to both the interior and exterior of the store, with new shelving, improved refrigeration units, and expanded fresh produce and deli sections to ensure a smoother shopping experience for all.
The remodel which was scheduled to be completed by November 10th is currently ongoing, with contractors working diligently to complete the necessary upgrades.
Proposed Opening Date:
After discussions with management, the store’s reopening is tentatively scheduled for late December 2024. We are excited to welcome back the community to this newly renovated space, which will not only offer an expanded selection of groceries but also provide a modern and more accessible shopping environment, which is long overdue to our community.
Future Plans:
Arlan’s Grocery is committed to supporting our community with fresh, high-quality products and excellent customer service.
We will continue to keep you updated on any changes to the timeline and invite you to visit Arlan’s upon reopening to experience the new and improved store for yourself.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we work to enhance the services available to our community.
Warm regards,
Lance Petty
City Manager, City of Freeport
Boil water notice has been rescinded, there is no need to boil water at this time.
The City has Completed an inventory of our water service lines and determined some addresses may need to have lines replaced due to their material, more information can be found on our water department page.

here for more information.
TCEQ Laboratory test results indicate water no longer reequires boiling prior to use as of September 10th, 2024.
here for more information.
here for more information.
here for more information.
here for more information.
here for more information.
From now until October 5th,2024 , the City's Building Department is waiving permitting fees for homeowners making repairs due to Hurricane Beryl. Permit fees that will be waived include:
o Roof repairs that exceed 100 square feet.
o Structural repairs to homes
o Siding
o Windows/exterior doors/garage repairs
o Weather heads for restoring power to a home or property.
Not all structural repairs require permits. Customers can perform the following work without permits:
• Tarping.
• Replacing wooden and metal fences less than 8-feet-high.
• Replacing drywall or sheetrock that is not part of fire-rated assembly and does not exceed an aggregate of 100 square feet.
• Replacing exterior wood fascia, trim and soffits that do not exceed an aggregate of 128 square feet.
• Roof covering that does not exceed an aggregate of 100 square feet.
Does your contractor have a permit?
After storms such as Beryl- an in general- homeowners are often approached by contractors offering all kinds of repairs, replacements, or additions. In the past, much of this work has not been permitted. The City’s Building Department wants to ensure that all work requiring a permit has one and that the contractors are registered with the city. Please be advised that homeowners can apply for storm damage repairs if they are homesteaded.
Click the link below for more information.
iSTAT Damage Surveys (
Heavy trash for WARD B will be picked up on Wednesday, July 31, 2024.
If you have received a letter from the Building Department in regards to compliance repairs, please disregard the 30 day deadline and reach out to the City of Freeport Building Department at 979-871-0109. In the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, our community faces a challenging time of recovery and rebuilding and we understand that repairs can take time. The Building Department is committed to assisting owners in every way possible to facilitate the repair process. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance. Together, we will rebuild, recover, and emerge stronger from this experience.
here for more information.
City of Freeport Office of Emergency Management and Brazoria County Long Term Recovery Committee to Host Disaster Assistance Center for Hurricane Beryl Relief Brazoria County, TX – July 15, 2024 –
In response to the recent devastation caused by Hurricane Beryl, the City of Freeport Office of Emergency Management and the Brazoria County Long Term Recovery Committee will host a Disaster Assistance Center (DAC) for residents of the 77541 and 77542 zip codes. This includes the communities of Freeport, Jones Creek, Oyster Creek, Quintana, and Surfside, Texas. Residents affected by Hurricane Beryl may be eligible for disaster assistance under FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program.
Disaster Assistance Center Details:
• Dates: Friday, July 19, 2024, and Saturday, July 20, 2024
• Time: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
• Location: Freeport Intermediate School, 1815 W. 4th Street, Freeport, Texas 77541 (Gymnasium located on the side of the school
Click here for more details
here for more information.
Click h
ere for more information.
The City of Freeport is asking residents to not disrupt the work of the contractors trying to restore power. The City has had several complaints from CenterPoint pertaining to this issue. The contractors are following CenterPoint’s plan to restore power as efficiently as possible and any disruption is causing delays in restoring power. The City of Freeport thanks you for your cooperation.
Dear residents, please be aware that the following locations will be operating as cooling stations from 9am to 6pm.
-Freeport Elementary 1200 West Eleventh St.
-Freeport Intermediate 1815 West Fourth St.
-Freeport Municipal Park 421 North Brazos port Blvd
-Velasco Elementary School 401 North Gulf Blvd
Please take advantage of these resources.
here for more information.
Although preparation was done for hurricane Beryl, the magnitude was greater than expected and has caused substantial damage to our community. The City of Freeport understands that the hurricane damaged and destroyed not only homes, businesses and city buildings, but has left many without utilities such as power, gas and water, as it did city hall, the police department and service center as well. We took immediate actions to identify our community’s damages and needs, such as submitting request for water, food, and reporting downed utilities. We apologize for the delayed response but know that all of your city employees have been working around the clock to take care of our community. Not only were your first responders and public works out in the storm starting Sunday night, but Monday morning they began immediate actions. City employees were out assessing damage, reporting issues to utility companies, and clearing roads, in addition to responding to high call volumes from the effects of the storm. Unfortunately, due to damage to city buildings, we did not have a safe location for a cooling center. We have reached out to multiple organizations to get assistance for our community. If you are a part of an organization that would like to assist our community, please reach out to our city hall, police department or fire department. We thank those who have already stepped up to help out, and we appreciate the community working together to help each other. Please understand many of our employees are living in the same conditions as our citizens. They are also working long shifts with no water service, electricity or air conditioner as well, but continue to work hard to support our community, and we are thankful for all they have done.
Disaster declarations were signed by the Texas Governor on Friday, July 5th and additional counties were added by acting Texas Governor on Saturday, July 6th to include all of Brazoria County. Our Mayor also signed a declaration on Sunday, July 7th, plus the President did on Tuesday, July 9th. Further information regarding filing for FEMA reimbursements will be sent out in the near future. When resources are available, such as food and water, notifications will be posted on social media, the city website and through Everbridge.
Due to hurricane Beryl TCEQ has issued a boil water notice for residents of Bridge Harbor and Slaughter road areas , to ensure destruction of all harmful bacteria and other microbes , water for drinking, brushing teeth, cooking or making ice should be brought to a vigorous rolling boil and then boiled for two minutes , in leiu of boiling you may purchase water from some other suitable source .
When it is no longer necessary to boil water , the water system officials will notify you that the water is safe for consumption . Instructions to discontinue boiling water will be delivered in the same manner as this notice
Residents are additionally advised to conserve water .
Release of May City Manager newsletter:
Available by clicking here.
The National Weather Service forecast has changed for the Freeport area. Temperatures are expected to drastically drop throughout the day. City of Freeport will be closed on Tuesday, but essential personnel will be working. We will continue to monitor the weather and provide updates to the community if there are any changes. We encourage residents to prepare themselves for cold weather and to exercise caution if you have to travel. ERCOT is asking residents to conserve energy during this cold front.
Arlan’s will no longer be accepting payments for the City of Freeport’s utility bill. You can make your payment in person at City Hall Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and anytime by phone calling 866-265-6120, and online by going to the City’s website
here for more information.
Thursday, November 23rd, Trash service will not run due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Normal trash service will resume on Friday, November 24th.
here for more information.
The following was recieved from Brazosport Independant School District:
The LOCKDOWN at Brazosport and SECURE at nearby campuses have been lifted. A Brazosport student reported seeing another student in the restroom with what appeared to be a weapon. The campus immediately followed safety protocols and went into LOCKDOWN, nearby campuses also initiated a SECURE protocol. The student in question is in police custody due to possessing a weapon on campus.
We understand that this
was a stressful situation, and we want to reassure you that the safety of our students and staff is our utmost concern, especially during events such as this. We will have additional counselors and support services on campus this week providing any needed emotional support.
We want to thank the student who immediately reported the threat and our administrators and police department for a quick and thorough investigation. Thank you for your support during this time. Your patience and cooperation during this time have been greatly appreciated.
here for more information.
This is to provide notification of Intermittent Partial Closures on FM
1495 (southbound side) For Pavement Placement Operations with Two-Way One Lane
Traffic with Flaggers: Starting Wednesday, October 18, 2023 to Saturday,
November 4, 2023
Click here for more information.
here for more information.
The City of Freeport is accepting applications for appointment on the Freeport Economic Development Board to fill a vacancy. An application can be obtained at City Hall or on the city's website
Upon completion of the application please submit to City Secretary Betty Wells at For additional information, please contact City Hall at 979-233-3526.
here for more information.
The boil water advisory for the Bridge Harbor subdivision that was to go into effect yesterday, is hereby lifted.
This is notification of a major waterline break on gulf blvd. You may experience low to no water pressure during this repair.
Boil Water Advisory Lifted
The Boil Water Advisory issued by the City of Freeport, on Friday August 11th, has been lifted. The Water is Safe to consume. Results from samples, collected yesterday and sent to the lab for testing, showed no sign of contamination. We appologize for the inconvenience this has caused, but want to reassure everyone that the safety of the public is our top priority. Thank you
here for more information.
This Notice concerns the 2023 property tax rates for CITY OF FREEPORT.
90 - Notice About 2023 Tax Rates.pdf
From now until the end of September, the Brazoria County Library System will open its doors for those that need relief from the heat, with the initial supply of bottled water donated by Actions, Inc. of Brazoria County, CenterPoint Energy, Angleton Church of Christ, and others. Residents may take advantage of the cooling stations when the heat index is predicted to be 100 degrees or higher Monday through Saturday during regular library operating hours.
Press Release
here for more information.
here to view the document.
Click here to view New Council Ward Boundaries to Affect Upcoming Freeport Elections. (Spanish)
Residents who live on 10th Street in the area of the road construction are asked to please place their trash cans even with the construction cones.
For more information regarding Bulk Waste Trash click
here (
Residents: If you live in the areas of West 5th, 6th and Lynn that are under construction, please place your cans in the alley by 7am on your designated days.
Click here to view the official zoning map.
(Approved 1/10/22)
Please find our Ethics Ordinance by clicking
The Federal Government is now mandating that smaller cities, like Freeport, must comply with stormwater regulations. If you are a property owner, contractor or developer, this may affect you in your construction or normal business practices!
Click here to find out more!
Visit Centerpoint's
"Report Street Light Outages" page to report street lights needing repair. Here's a tip: Zoom in to Freeport to the neighborhood you are looking for to find the pole number. Follow the directions on the right hand side of the screen. You can always call us during working hours for assistance!
Do you have a complaint or have a question for city staff or your council person? This is the spot!
Click here to see more!