Our Patrol Division is led by a Captain, 4 shift Sergeants and a Commercial Vehicle Equipment Sergeant. Each patrol sergeant oversees a patrol shift of 1 corporal and 3 patrol officers. Our patrol division works 12-hour shifts protecting your city and rotate their days off. We also have two K9 handlers to assist in proactive drug investigations. One of the patrol sergeants also serves as a training coordinator for the department to get staff the required training they need. Our training coordinator helps us to maintain a high level of policing, keep up with legislative updates, mental health awareness and other police tactics.
We have a Warrant Officer who assists patrol, our municipal court office and serves outstanding warrants for the city. If you know someone's location who has warrants, please contact our dispatch at 979-239-1211 and request to speak with the Warrant Officer.
We have a Public Relations Officer who focuses on community policing and events for the community. Please visit our events tab for additional information.
We have two Jailers who safely monitor persons while in temporary custody at the police department. Individuals who do not bond out are transported to the Brazoria County Sheriff’s Office Jail Division if needed.
Patrol Command Staff:
Captain Danny Gillchriest
Sergeant Kevin Harris
Sergeant Craig Graham
Sergeant Ernesto Rodriguez
Sergeant John Perez
CVE Sergeant Bruce Houston
Training Coordinator:
Sergeant Craig Graham
Warrant Officer:
Corporal Leonel Organista
Public Relations Officer:
Officer Angela Cantrell-Rivera